10 things to do on your first round-the-world trip

There are two kinds of people who go on holiday – those that travel and those who vacation. What’s the difference you might ask? The traveler wants to see and experience everything to learn about a destination while the vacationer prefers to relax in a beautiful destination, sipping on a cocktail soaking up their surroundings. One is not better than the other, just that there are difference ways to see this beautiful world.


8. Attend a sporting event

Don the local team’s colours and make a few new friends as you attend a match or game, be that rugby in New Zealand, cricket in India or ice hockey in Canada.

9. Try the street food

Street food meals may be the most memorable of your entire trip. We’ve picked 20 of the best street foods around the world to whet your appetite.

11. Sample the local firewater

Leave the backpacker bar behind at least once to try something new. It could be an unusual beer in the Czech Republic, a daiquiri in Havana or a gin tonic in Barcelona. You could even be making learning about the local drinking culture the focus of part of your trip on one of these